Monday, July 7, 2008

Ride Through Rocky Road To Romance

Nothing good comes without a price tag. Before a relationship transforms itself into a blood warming romance, it must evolve through various stages. Everyone passes through a rough stretch at one time or another. Various challenges some of which are a threat to the very life of the young and budding relationships. The reason why it is no smooth sailing when taking the rocky road to romance. A relationship must at one time or another encounter rough waters but this does not mean the end of the relationship. Actually a relationship is never short of fights and they are a sign of good health. Having divergent views and interests as a couple can sometimes seem to derail the relationship. But if the couple can view it from a different angle, it can work to their advantage. Divergent views, opinions and interests actually adds variety to the relationship. No one in a relationship has an obligation to follow the interest of the other partner.

Money matters can make the ride extremely bumpy and rough. As the sages put it, their is no romance without finance. Money plays a very pivotal role as you take the rocky road to romance. The journey needs constant spicing with quality time, fun and memorable moments. But quality does not come cheaply. It comes with a price. Money compensates for any other shortcomings and inadequacies. It covers up the bad and the ugly sides of the partners. Money automatically and naturally steers the relationship more smoothly and makes it more more exciting. Things become even more complex when a couple is staying together. Questions over who is to meet which bills start emerging. Should the bank account be joint or separate.

A relationship is an investment that requires very close and personalized attention. But other external factors like career, distance and time can really rock the boat to an extent of making it capsize before completing its long voyage. Huge inputs in terms of time are the key ingredients that makes a relationship to thrive. The more time spent with a person the more the closeness develops. The more intimate you become and the more fire grows. But the moment time for each other becomes scarce due to maybe a career that transforms the love into a long distance relationship, the effects can be devastating. The rocky road to romance becomes even more rockier. You are not there for her when she needs you most. No one to confide to, no shoulder to lean on. Beware of fading into irrelevance as you might be replaced and the journey will suddenly have to be cut short.

A combination of undercurrents inform of parents, religion and culture can really undermine the rocky road to romance. Cultural differences between you and your partner especially if your relationship is an interracial one can meet very strong opposition. Your people and her people might oppose your sweet journey to romance. They might step in and cut the relationship due to cultural or racial differences. When you lack consent from the parents from either side it makes the journey not only rockier but also very thorny. Bring in the issue of religious differences and the relationship becomes a big fish to fry.

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